Sunday, 30 October 2011

Halo Kit - The smokers angel Part 2

Ok i thought i would give you an update. You see i now have one of these too.

There are many reasons why i wanted to switch over to the Halo Ecig but i guess number 1 on those list of reasons would be Health. Don't get me wrong i know the halo isn't as healthy as not smoking but for me not smoking isn't an option right now. I don't need the increased stress of completely giving up, nor the "don't you come near me" mood that i get when trying to quit nicotine altogether.

I do however want a tar free and chemical free experience of which the Halo can give me.

I find it slightly sweet..the halo that is. I won't say i took to it straight away like my partner did, it's just a bit different and takes a few days to get used to. The Halo is bigger than a normal cigarette. You can still feel what seems like smoke hit the back of your throat and the vapour looks like real smoke. As i have said before it's much cheaper than smoking and is easy to use. You can smoke it in most places, though don't forget to ask first as some people don't realise what the Halo Ecig is.

Even though i found it an unusual experience at first, i have really warmed to the Halo and i fully recommend those considering this product to give it a go, i think you will be pleasantly surprised.

This really is the closest you will ever get to smoking. 

To check out the fantastic range of products in the online store just click here 

The Customer service from this company gets a 10/10 from me too!

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