Friday, 22 April 2011

My first giveaway!

Everyone likes a good giveaway and i wanted one which would also increase my followers base. Well lets face it i need to get something out of it! :)

So what i am offering is 1st Prize is £10 credit to spend at
When i draw the winner on the 17th of May. I will pay FunkiMunki £10 so you can then place an order and she will send the prize direct to the winner.

If there is enough entrants i might stretch to a £5 credit for a runner up too! The more followers, the better the prizes! I might even stretch to 3 months supply of coffee next!

TO ENTER:- Just go to the website and come back here and tell me what is your favourite badge?
Remember to follow my blog too! and if you also follow you will get another entry into the draw

Competition - Giveaway Terms and Conditions
Open to entrants worldwide
Closing date 17th May 2011
Prize is £10 credit to use on Funkimunkibadges
A runner up prize of £5 credit if there are more than 25 entrants


  1. Thanks so much for featuring us :) I can't wait to see who wins! x

  2. I love the 'I fart sunshine' badge but there are loads on there I want. Including 'a stitch in time', '68 I owe you one' and '333 I'm only half evil' :D

  3. Female Symbol - Venus is my fav badge x

  4. I follow your blog and the funkimunki one, I love rainbow so any of the rainbow badges but I love all Leah's stuff especially the custom Kokokelli badges I had made :o) xXx

  5. Hi, Thanks for the follow and good luck to you all!

    p.s. Candy to validate your entry could you follow my blog! Thank you :)

  6. Haha, I love 'it's gay o'clock' brilliant!


  7. I like the Mrs Depp one... aah, if only ;-)

  8. Like the Live Love Laugh one

    Also following

  9. I like the simplicity of Pink Roses 2.

  10. Winner has now been announced. Please read the Winner announcement thread. Thank you
