Sunday, 3 July 2011

Free Willy...or at least tadpoles.

Well i noticed the other week that our tadpoles had started growing legs and were spending quite a bit of time sat on the rock rather than in the water. I didn't want to release them till they had fully turned into frogs but common sense told me it was time to "Free Willy" them before they started leaping about and leaving the haven of a lunch box that had been their home over the last few weeks.

We returned them to where we had originally collected them from. Youngest daughter gently tipped them into the water and they seemed quite happy. I must admit i'm rather sad to see them go. They were a reminder of my childhood and how much time i had spent with my wellies on searching the local ponds for any tadpoles that i could gather into my jam jar. I may have come home looking like a drowned rat on more than one occasion but i was one very happy drowned rat.

A quick reminder, i have only had one email so far regarding the giveaway i ran on my blog. It would be ever so helpful if the other winners could email me asap as i hope to be sending the prizes off on Tuesday. Thank you.


  1. Aww, cute. I never collected tadpoles as a kid.

  2. Oh.. :( You are never too late to start though :)
