Sunday, 24 July 2011

Nerditorial and how A Healthy Lifestyle Avoids Alzheimer’s

As people who have read my blog and who know me would be aware Alzheimer’s robbed me of my nan. Rather than go on about it again i will just direct you to my post. Alzheimer's - Still in Mourning

I spotted a tweet today about how a healthy lifestyle avoids Alzheimer's so i RTed, As you do when something interests you. I just had a message that for the RT i won a copy of Rango on dvd! Talk about shocked! *in a nice way* :)

Anyway Nerditorial are on twitter (as if you haven't already worked that out!) You can follow them here Nerditorial on twitter and they have a really good well laid out website. I will direct you to the post that interested me enough for me to RT it. A Healthy Lifestyle Avoids Alzheimer’s
Nerditorial discuss a wide range of interesting subjects. For example politics, science and film reviews. They are well worth checking out.


  1. I'm very glad you enjoyed the article I wrote!

    I have also had a family crisis because of Alzheimer's. It is a horrible degrading illness and I hope that my article brings enough change in those who read it, so they do not need to suffer.

  2. It's a great article and very informative.
    I'm sure it will be of use to other people,especially those with a family history and perhaps help them to take preventative methods.

    I look forward to reading future articles :)
