Thursday, 14 July 2011

Well deserved holiday & Rumblers Pots

I best start off with an apology to FunkiMunkiBadge lady Leah :( Just realised i have something here that i haven't posted yet! will be in the post tomorrow..*promise*

It's been one of those weeks..actually months. The one really good thing is we are off on holiday Saturday, and it also happens that our daughter will be ten on the same day. Are we off to somewhere exotic i hear you ask? Well that would be a big fat no. Not unless you call North Wales exotic...but regardless of the fact it doesn't involve a plane or half a dozen semi naked men running around waiting on me hand and foot..oh and yes i'm feeling nice so i would of chucked in half a dozen semi naked women running around for hubbys benefit too. I'm sure the holiday will be enjoyed.

We usually go on our holiday in school time but what with important exams and other such things we can't really take the children away from important classes this coming year.No matter how much money we would of saved doing so! The prices for breaks in the summer holidays are almost laughable, though i suppose it is classed as a luxury to have a holiday nowadays. Though personally i think it is more of a necessity.

I like to be away from everything and everyone i see day to day and just spend time with the family, exploring new places. Oh gawd i'm getting excited... roll on Saturday!

This week my smile moment was when i received some very yummy rumblers pots. I am a huge fan. I could easily have an addiction to them..i had Strawberry,Raspberry and Chocolate delivered. What more could a woman want? I just love the fact it's good for me and yet tastes divine. They are perfect for breakfast, a lunchbox or picnic.
You can follow them on twitter at @RumblersPots or check out their website here for stockists Rumblers

Anyway that's my lot tonight as i'm totally shattered.

Night Night X


  1. Have a lovely holiday! And don't worry about the parcel, I'd forgotten :) I don't know anything about Rumblers. x

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  3. Thank you Lottie x Love your blog :)
