Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Honey you're nuts!

I was struggling to think of anything to blog about today but thought i would mention a sweet treat i have fallen in love with. I can't remember off hand where i purchased it. I know it was on one of the various days out we have so most likely a castle or a cute place with a tearoom and shop. Honestly..i can't remember.

It's a cute glass jar full of honey and walnuts, i will add that i am not overly keen on honey and yet i love walnuts. I'm not sure what drew me to buy it but regardless of that i'm glad i did.

The place that makes it is New Quay honey farm http://www.thehoneyfarm.co.uk/ though i can't find it for sale anywhere on the online shop so plan to use the contact form to see if they can add it to the shop for me. Seriously i'm addicted. It's local to me well kind of but not somewhere i plan to visit often enough to warrant all the petrol involved in grabbing a jar or six. I opened ours on Sunday. It's almost all gone. I used it on clotted cream ice cream. Yummy!


  1. Oh, that sounds divine! I'm hungry just thinking about it :) x

  2. They are amazing, i was so surprised. I haven't tasted anything quite as good as these in ages.
